Pathways Wellness

What Does It Mean to Be In Rehab at Pathways Wellness Center?

What Does It Mean to Be In Rehab at Pathways Wellness Center?
Raul Haro
August 30, 2023
Being in rehab sounds intimidating initially, but it's more than most people would think. Rehab isn't a place where people struggling with addiction are locked away. It is a place of healing and support where people go to recover from addiction. Most people wouldn't begrudge someone for staying in a hospital to recover from an […]
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What Does It Mean to Be In Rehab at Pathways Wellness Center?

Being in rehab sounds intimidating initially, but it's more than most people would think. Rehab isn't a place where people struggling with addiction are locked away. It is a place of healing and support where people go to recover from addiction. Most people wouldn't begrudge someone for staying in a hospital to recover from an injury or illness. When you need help, you go to the place that will give you the treatment you need. It's the same for mental health care, which is why being in rehab is so crucial to recovery.

Pathways Wellness Center understands that addiction cannot be overcome alone. Addiction requires treatment from both medical and mental health care professionals to help someone achieve recovery. By providing both, Pathways allows their clients to achieve success in their efforts to recover, and stay successful long after treatment has finished

Most average people don't know what goes on in rehab. If more did, perhaps it wouldn't be so widely stigmatized. To fully understand what it means to be in rehab, we must first take a look at the difference between how rehab is portrayed in the media vs. real life.

Rehab in Real Life vs. Its Media Portrayal

You may have seen rehab portrayed in movies or TV shows as some dingy place where those needing help are tormented by sadistic staff. This is not what rehab is. Those who are in rehab are protected under several laws to ensure their rights are not infringed. A staff member at Pathways Wellness Center will never deliberately harm or berate a client. 

There are also portrayals of clients in rehab being kept locked up, unable to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. In real life, clients are not prisoners. They are free to go where they please, as long as they remember not to be late for their treatments. Pathways are especially proud of having many therapies take place outdoors, making sure their clients get much-needed sunshine.

Lastly, movies commonly portray those in rehab being harmed, talked down to, and forced into treatments. In real life, treatments are completely voluntary. Clients have the right to say no and even leave if they should choose to. Treatments cannot work unless the client recognizes they have a problem and agrees to receive treatment. It's why Pathways Wellness Center never forces treatments but rather encourages clients to try treatments that may help them.

Being In Rehab Means Comfort and Healing

When people go into rehab, they can trust that they will be in a safe and comforting environment. This is so that the client can focus on their recovery away from the common stressors of life. The only job a client has to do is to work at bettering themselves. Clients are not forced to be in treatment at all hours of the day. There are several times when a client can rest and focus on things that give them joy. Some forms of therapy, such as adventure therapy, often don't feel like work with how fun it can be. 

Those needing medical treatments such as medication management, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), or supervised detox can trust to have professional medical personnel available at all times. It can be scary to need medication or to be in detox. Having professionals there to assist when needed is not only comforting but upholds Pathway's high safety standards. 

Many staff members at Pathways Wellness Center are in recovery as well. This means the staff has undergone some of the same treatments an individual may be experiencing as part of their treatment. Clients at Pathways can be expected to be treated with compassion and understanding because they remember what it's like to be a client too. It gives clients hope that they, too, will achieve recovery themselves and maybe go on to help others as well. 

Being In Rehab Means Success

When people enter rehab, they are struggling with addiction. Addiction is often a response to pain, stress, or trauma. Many don't know how to manage negative feelings and will sometimes turn to using substances to cope. This can lead to a substance use disorder (SUD).

Treatment in rehab teaches clients how to navigate these difficulties in life in a healthy, productive way. The learning of vital life skills is an important part of any addiction treatment program. Those at Pathways Wellness Center see further success with the inclusion of many essential programs. Relapse prevention, support network building, and communication practice are but a few programs included as part of rehab. These all help clients stay in recovery once treatment is over.

Clients also learn what it's like to be understood and supported. By understanding that people care about them and their success, they are more likely to work hard at staying sober. There is also a subconscious safety net in place once clients finish rehab. They remember that they can get help at any time at any place as long as they ask for it. As they leave rehab to begin further treatment or start their lives again, they'll always remember that there's a safe place to return to when in need. 

What it means to be in rehab at Pathways Wellness Center is to be in a place where someone can be freed from addiction. It's a place to discover who you are and to find the things that truly give you joy. Being in rehab doesn't mean someone is a failure. It means understanding you have a problem and working hard to recover from it. That is because everyone is deserving of quality addiction treatment and compassion, including you and those whom you love.

Going into rehab can be scary for some people, but there is nothing to fear. Addiction treatment is not like the treatments of the past, where abuses were common. Instead, clients can expect to be treated with compassion and recover in a safe, supportive environment. Here at Pathways Wellness Center in Glendora, California, we know that rehab isn't just for treating addiction. It's also to help the individual find the confidence and strength within themselves to live a successful, sober life. Everyone is worthy of judgment-free quality addiction treatment, including yourself and those you love. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, don't wait. Discover how addiction treatment can help you today at (888) 771-0966.

About the Author

Raul Haro
Raul Haro is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with sixteen years of experience working in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. As an LMFT, He has trained in trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy and EMDR. Raul has furthered his training in the drug and alcohol field by obtaining a Masters in Drug and Alcohol Counseling through CCAPP. Raul has a background in nursing where he has been an LVN for over 25 years. Recently, he has returned to school to complete a degree in Registered Nursing. Future plans are for Raul are to eventually complete a degree as a Nurse Practitioner combining his therapy practice with his nursing skills.

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